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Browsing Arab American National Museum by Title

Browsing Arab American National Museum by Title

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  • Cohen, David Solis; Sommer, H.B. (Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1876)
    A humorous account of the Centennial Exposition, with references to Arab and Muslim participants.
  • Unknown author (Al-Wafa, 1907-10-04)
    An Arab-American bachelor details the quandary he faces, namely whether to marry an American girl, or an Arab girl who expects a rich husband, or to return to "Syria" to get a wife.
  • Unknown author (Harper's Weekly, 1890-10-25)
    This article takes a look at the "Arab colony" on New York City's westside, along Greenwich and Washington streets. The article provides physical descriptors of the colony's residents and their perspective on Arab culture ...
  • Orth, Samuel P. (Yale University Press, 1920)
    An account of different immigrant groups in the U.S. Brief mention of Arabs, Syrians.
  • Unknown author (Al-Mushir, 1896-06-20)
    Reports, with approval, the formation, and details the purposes, of the Syrian Christian Youth Society.
  • Dammous, Shibel Nassif (Al-Ayyam, 1898-04-08)
    Shows pride in educated Syrian/Arab women, like Mary Aziz, who writes for the newspapers, and endorses her call for parents to relieve their daughters from constant employment, and to give them some personal freedom which ...
  • Arida, Raphael (Al-Sa'ih, 1921)
    Views of Arida presented in an interview: Syrian merchants seem to devote all their time to trade and then talk about it, with no interest in other cultural issues; women's rights are trampled, while equality of sexes is ...
  • Unknown author (1937)
    Directory of Syrian-American's in the Pacific, published 1937
  • Duncan, Norman (Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1903-03)
    Paints the Syrians/Arabs as a simple people, hard-working and not harmful to others, even though they are viewed with suspicion and fear by some Americans. They are presented as all Christian and as opponents of the Ottoman ...
  • Unknown author (New-York Daily Tribune, 1892-10-02)
    Generally positive picture of an "exotic" and colorful people with strange customs but who are industrious and good at trade, the main reason for their immigration. Sketches.
  • Abdou, Nagib Tannous (Al-Hoda, 1903-02-13)
    Two part article briefly spells out the causes of Syrian/Arab emigration, the trials and tribulations of travel, the corruption of brokers, and life in America for the new immigrant.
  • McGovern, John (Halligan's Illustrated World, 1894-03-12)
    Includes pictures and text of "Arabs" at the Fair.
  • Putnam, F. W. (Thomson Publishing Co., 1894)
    Includes pictures of Arabs from Lebanon, Syria, Algeria, Egypt, etc. who were at the 1893 Columbian World Fair in Chicago.
  • Awwad, Yusuf (Al-Hoda, 1904-10-05)
    The problems are: Not mixing with Americans; lack of scientific knowledge; one occupation, namely trade; sectarianism; lack of trust of other Syrians/Arabs; not sticking to one job; and sticking to old customs and traditions. ...
  • Qamar, Sulayman (Al-Hoda, 1903-05-05)
    Argues that one primary cause for the lack of progress of Syrians in America is absence of social interaction with Americans. Also, for peddlers, lack of self-confidence makes them believe that Americans will not hire ...
  • Yuwakim, Yusuf Elias (Al-Hoda, 1908-01-15)
    Argues that single Syrian/Arab women immigrants to U.S. are a source of shame and harm both to their folks in the old country and to the Arab community in the U.S. -- and calls for a law to ban such immigration.
  • Hariqa, Haikal al-Khuri (Al-Hoda, 1904-12-06)
    Qualities to look for in boys and girls who are seeking marriage partners. Supervised contact between boys and girls is better than no contact (Eastern tradition) or unsupervised contact (Western tradition).
  • Raphael, J.G. (Al-Akhlaq, 1921-07)
    Raphael praises an article of the same title by Victoria Tannous, but criticizes the fact that religion hardly was touched upon. He then relates a sad story of the forced separation of a Christian woman and a Muslim man ...
  • Tannous, Victoria (Al-Akhlaq, 1921-04)
    While Tannous accepts inter-religious marriage in principle, she opposes it in practice because of differences in upbringing and customs which will make for an unhappy marriage.
  • Unknown author (Government Printing Office, 1911)
    Under "Races or Peoples" are entries for "Arabian," "Mongolian, Mongol, Mongolic, Mongoloid, Asiatic, or Yellow Race," "Syrian," and "Turkish." Arabians are Semites, Syrians are "Christians and Aryans, not Semites" p. 217, ...

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